Curriculum Vitae - Vasil TODOROV

Vice-President (elected in June 2024)

TELEPHONE (+359 2) 8117 457

Doctor of Laws
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“

2015 – until present
Chief Assistant
Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Science

M.A. in Law
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“

Economist – Accountant
School of Economics – Veliko Tarnovo

2010 – Specialization in the Business College of Changsha, Hunan Province, China
LANGUAGES English, Russian
2024 - until present - Vice-President of the BCCI
2011 - 2024 – Secretary General of the BCCI
2009-2011 - Parliamentary Secretary of the BCCI
2005 – 2009 – Secretary General of the BCCI
2005 – Legal Expert at the BCCI
  • 2016 – until present – Manager of Cluster Hosting Devices Ltd.
  • 2016 – until present – President of the Board of Directors of the Branch Chamber of Producers and Traders of Hoists and Cranes
  • 2011 – until present – Member of the Board of Trustees of the Bulgarian Academy of Science
  • 2011 – until present – Representative of the BCCI in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation with the Council of Ministers
  • 2008 – until present – Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of "Store Base" JSC
  • 2009 – until present – Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of "Vikors" JSC
  • 2008 – until present – Member of Working Group 4 "Company Law" at the Council for European Affairs at the Ministry of Justice
  • 2009 – until present – Member of Working Group 28 "Financial and Budgetary Issues" at the Ministry of Finance
  • 2010 – until present – Representative of the BCCI in the General Assembly of the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization
  • 2005 – until present – Member of the Board of Trustees of "DZI UPIF" and "DZI PPIF"
  • "Acquisition of control over enterprises as a form of concentration", Ciela, 2015
  • "Administrative law protection of know-how before the CPC", Society and Law Magazine, 2017, vol. 1
  • "Status and Powers of the Commission for Protection of Competition - Activity as Administrative Jurisdiction", Commercial Law Magazine, 2017, vol. 1
  • "The concept of "control" in the law on Protection of Competition", Commercial Law Magazine, 2014, vol. 2
  • "Regarding the applicability of the "golden share" in corporate practice", Commercial Law Magazine, 2012, vol. 4
  • "Vindication against the "hostile" tender offer, Commercial Law Magazine, 2011, vol. 9
  • "Upcoming change in banking law in the field of credit risk assessment imposed by the New Basle Capital Accord (Basle II)", Contemporary Law Magazine, 2005, vol. 2
  • "The right to information under Art. 130, para 1 of the Labor Code", Labor and Law Magazine, 2005, vol. 7
  • "The normal production-economic risk under Art. 204 of the Labor Code", Labor and Law Magazine, 2004, vol. 7
  • "Risk assessment under Art. 204 of the Labor Code and Art. 13а of the Criminal Code in carrying out investment activities", Contemporary Law Magazine, 2004, vol. 2