Structure of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI


The Presidium of the Arbitration Court consists of: a Chairman of the Arbitration Court, three Deputy-Chairmen and three Members. The Presidium is elected for a five-year term.

Chairman of AC

The Chairman represents the Court in this country and abroad, summons the sessions of the Presidium of the AC and of the Arbitration College, reports on the activities of the Court and executes the decisions of the Presidium.

Mr. Blagovest Punev is Chairman of the AC at the moment.


The arbitrators are enrolled and stroked off the list of arbitrators by a decision of the Presidium of the AC for a five-year term. A list for disputes between parties domiciled or seated in Bulgaria (internal disputes) is kept separately from the list for disputes between parties at least one of them being domiciled or seated abroad (international disputes). Law graduates with no criminal record and well experienced in commerce and economy as a whole are enrolled as arbitrators. Non-Bulgarian citizens may be arbitrators as well.

The AC settles the disputes submitted to it by an arbitral tribunal which consists either of three arbitrators or of one. Their rights and duties are equal.

The arbitrators on any dispute sign an affidavit of impartiality and independence which is sent to the parties to the dispute.


The secretaries of the AC have to be graduated in law, fluent in English and able to communicate in Russian. The secretaries organise the files of the cases, run the correspondence of the AC and perform those proceeding which are entrusted to them according to the Rules.