1. Kindly be advised that AOTS is currently organizing several NGC programmes of which details are available in the following web site;

    Amongst the NGC programmes, AOTS is currently recruiting participants to No. 313, programme on Comprehensive Use of Natural Gas in Japan. This programme should be beneficial for those who are working at oil & gas industry especially for better utilization of natural gas and/or for exporting to other countries such as Japan. Kindly see the below attached explanation by GM in charge at AOTS Japan.

    Kindly advise whether alumni society/organization can recruit any participants to this programme. Kindly be advised that AOTS has not yet received good number of participants to this programme. Therefore, if you can send more than 2 or 3 participants, it will be a big help for AOTS.

    Kindly look at other programmes on the web site as well. Programmes on Better Water Utility Service, Enhanced Production Management (TPS), and Energy Efficiency for Factory, etc may be suitable for your members and/or clients.

    If you can send any number of participants to any such programmes, Mr. Yasumi Suzuki will facilitate that AOTS will conclude the programme wise MOU with your alumni society/organization. Mr. Yasumi Suzuki hopes that you will send some participants to these NGC programmes.
    Mr. Yasumi Suzuki
    General Manager
    AOTS New Delhi Office
    Tel: 91-11-2370-4122, 24, 25
    Fax: 91-11-2370-4123
    Mobile: 91-98-11115898
    E-mail: ysuzuki@aotsindia.com
    www.aots.or.jp / www.aotsindia.com

  2. AOTS has launched five-day seminar in Tokyo for the latest applications of liquefied natural gas, with a focus on downstream, but there is too small number of applicants so far. With such a low popularity, this plan cannot be implemented anymore and we need you to show your interest and apply for it or, ask your friends, associates, to join it. AOTS would be grateful for your kind consideration. We strongly believe the contents of the seminar is ideal for executives/engineers of LNG-related businesses of not only consumption markets but for production countries.

    Here are details of the subject seminar.
    Title: Comprehensive Use of Natural Gas in Japan (Code #313)
    Venue: Tokyo Kenshu Center
    Date: March 4-10 (Session starts on March 5 and finishes on March 9)
    Language: English
    Fee: JPY290,000
    Features: You can see the most advanced technologies related with LNG and its market, including safe handling, facilities maintenance, power generation, vehicle, energy efficiency, etc; some of these are usually off-limit but we have special permission by Tokyo Gas, one of the largest gas company in the world with populous market, plus professional and technical explanation on site by Tokyo Gas-experienced experts.
    Others: AOTS will send you necessary documents to apply for Japanese visa where applicable. You can extend your stay after the seminar, if you want.

    Your application would be handled with highest priority. For more contact and application, please contact newglobal@aots.or.jp PH81-3-3888-8260 FX81-3-3888-8240

  3. Additional information:
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