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Project summary

SOLID project is aimed to strengthen the social dialogue policies and practices in Bulgaria; to improve the skills and knowledge of the social partners regarding the labour market challenges aggravated by the COVID crisis; to strengthen the bilateral cooperation with Norway through networking, transfer of knowledge and experience sharing; to support the cooperation between employers’ organisations and trade unions leading to higher level of trust.

The following activities are planned to be implemented:

  • Research of good practices from Bulgaria, Norway and EU in the social dialogue related to introduction of measures in times of pandemic.
  • Development of a roadmap of the challenges at the Bulgarian labour market regarding COVID 19 crisis.
  • Development of online training modules: crisis management and social dialogue; online social dialogue; decent work in digital environment and home office as COVID 19 consequence; how to start and execute a successful social dialogue to help overcoming COVID 19 crisis.
  • Organization of social dialogue ateliers.
  • Organisation of a study visit to Norway to exchange good practices about actions in period of crisis with local stakeholders.
  • Development of newsletters about the progress in the project implementation.
  • Promotional activities – press conference and information day.
Project implemented with the financial support of Norway Grants