Bulgaria: Success Story for the Balkans
Charles H. Movit Vice President, PlanEcon, Inc.


Economic Reform Program Has Achieved Macroeconomic Stability

Annual Change in CPI (in%)
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Progress on stabilization has been followed by economic recovery

Annual Change in GDP (in%)
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Currency Board Has Been Critical, But There are Trade-offs

Turnaround in aggregate demand generates trade imbalances, payments pressures

Current Account Balance ($mil.)
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Rebounding imports swamp export performance

Merchandise trade gap reaches $1 bn in 1999-2000

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Trade balance ($mn)
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Bulgarian FDILow Compared with...
USD Per Capita
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Domestic Politics Impede Restructuring

Financing the Current Account Deficit Is Problematic

Reluctance to Privatize, Restructure Also Handicaps External Adjustment

Despite headline transactions, Bulgarian privatization fails to meet targets

Continued Confidence ofIFIs and Foreign Investors Underlie Growth Forecast

Bulgaria: Rostov government earns high marks from most for staying the course

Rising Unemployment: Evidence of Restructuring, Source of Dissatisfaction

Registered Unemployment Rate fin%)
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Are there credible challenges to the continued mandate for reform?

Our Medium-Term Forecast Is Relatively Optimistic

Restructuring, foreign investment will help to reduce payments pressures

Current Account Deficit (% of GDP)
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Risks to the medium-term forecast:
alternative scenarios