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Project description

PROCEED focuses on the communication and dissemination of environmental research and practices originating in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) towards industry, policy makers and public and private research centers (including Academia) with the aim to enhance the uptake of research results and foster the participation of CEEC in the EU-funded research projects through S&T cooperation with other European partners.

The specific research sectors on which PROCEED will focus are Air pollution, Chemical pollution, Environmental Technologies.

The partners will create a data base of all innovative environmental research practices and results originating in CEEC and will lead a SWOT analysis of the existing channels and tools used to communicate environmental research results in Europe with specific focus to Academia, policy makers and industry.

All 12 project countries are represented by at least one partner member of the Enterprise Europe Network which will be the main communication channel in the project with its 600 members present in all European countries and beyond (including China and United States) and an extended network of contacts and partners.


  • To define a methodology for the selection of environmental research practices/ results in Central and Eastern European countries.
  • To select and collect best available environmental research practices/ results in Central and Eastern European countries.

SWOT report - CE countries (pdf)
Intellectual Property Rights Factsheet