Card-index and Publications

The secretaries of the AC keep a card-index of the awards of principal importance. The card-index is available to anyone interested. The decisions entered in the card-index do not include the names of the parties, business names, claims as well all other data which publication may harm the interests of the parties.

Since the establishment of the Arbitration Court the arbitration practice is summarised in the following collections published by the BCCI:

  1. 1954 - 1966 "Arbitration Practice of FTAC" - Kiril Humbadjiev
  2. 1967 - 1975 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Prof. Zhivko Stalev
  3. 1976 - 1977 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Kiril Humbadjiev
  4. 1978 - 1980 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Konstantin Popov, LL.D
  5. 1981 - 1985 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Konstantin Popov, LL.D
  6. 1985 - 1988 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Konstantin Popov, LL.D
  7. 1986 "General Terms of Supply - Comecon 1968- 75, in force since 1979. Text and Summary of the Practice of the Arbitration Courts at the Chambers of Commerce of the member states of Comecon" - Prof. Zhivko Stalev, Prof. Vitali Tadjer and Konstantin Popov, LL.D
  8. 1989 - 1995 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Slavka Lessidrenska and Lyubka Vassileva
  9. 1996 - 1997 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Slavka Lessidrenska and Lyubka Vassileva
  10. 1998 - 1999 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Slavka Lessidrenska and Lyubka Vassileva
  11. 2000 - 2001 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Slavka Lessidrenska and Lyubka Vassileva
  12. 2002 - 2003 "Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Slavka Lessidrenska and Lyubka Vassileva
  13. 2004 - 2005"Practice of the Arbitration Court at the BCCI" - Lyubka Vassileva